
Gonza Ansaldo was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1995. He studied Audiovisual Arts at the National University of Avellaneda. He trained as Director of Photography at TCyM, with Rodolfo Denevi. He took several courses, including: Compositional Vision with Otto Passenhaim, Color with Salvador Melita, and Photography Direction Workshop with Hugo Colace and Martin Errea. He also studied Photography with Leonardo Marino.

He is an ADF member.

As Director of Photography, he worked on the series Integra, Artivistas, Discos and Tributes for the TV channel “Encuentro” produced by CCK. Also in the micros Poetas for Encuentro as well. He worked on the short film “Amor de Lana” for Historias Breves 20 directed by Nicolás Zalcman and Paula Marotta. He made season 2 of the mini web series Velozapp. He participated as Director of Photography for the second unit in the series WTF for Flow. He was Director of Photography in video clips for Quién Recuerda a Frank, Connie Isla, Miau Trio, The Fam, and M4RT3.

As Head of Electrics, he worked in the series RJW by Paula De Luque, photographed by Hugo Colace, and worked as Focus Puller in the series Días de Gallos, photographed by Federico Rivarés.

Today he works for production companies such as Rino, Onceloops, Luma Doc, and is carrying out a personal project in which he links documentary work with photography together with Facundo Della Vedova and Sabrina Blanco.